Solution driven.
An attorney who knows that your situation is unique.
Ben Pogue has always been dedicated to getting to know each individual in order to find solutions that propel them to the next chapter of their life. Often this is as neutral mediator.
Ben has recently been named the recipient of the South Carolina Bar Association’s 2024 Cotton Harness “Peace” Award, named for legendary South Carolina mediator Cotton Harness. The award honors one individual and one group each year for outstanding contributions to dispute resolution.
Ben is also an esteemed adjunct professor at the Charleston School of Law, where he teaches dispute resolution, professional responsibility, and Strategy & Tactics in Litigation and Negotiation.
All Ben’s life he has fight for people immersed in difficult situations, to help them forge a path forward. That includes helping lawyers and individuals resolve cases through mediation as well. Our clients’ lives have been changed by injury, loss, or wrongdoing. Ben left behind a career as a popular television meteorologist to become a lawyer, and to guide clients through those life challenges.
Ben teaches mediation, as well as litigation and negotiation strategy as a popular adjunct professor at the Charleston School of Law.
Sometimes the solution comes from a jury at trial, sometimes it comes from a fresh look at what may seem to be an unsolvable problem.
Whatever the situation, at Ben Pogue Law, our client's best interest is our guiding force.
Are you ready to work together?
Lawyers and individuals involved in disputes also turn to Ben because mediation, arbitration, and work as a “Summary Jury Trial” judge are a major part of his law practice. Mediation is a form of "alternative dispute resolution," in which parties work together with a neutral mediator. Arbitration is a process where parties allow another lawyer to decide the best solution for their dispute without having to go to court. A Summary Jury Trial is a faster, more streamlined way to have a trial with a jury, but with less expense. Ben also represents individuals who have been seriously injured or whose lives have been dramatically disrupted—what we call Civil Litigation. Ben is also a consultant on strategy, and is currently writing a book on the subject.
Whether you need a mediator, arbitrator, or summary jury trial judge; or need to be represented by a lawyer because you are injured, discriminated against, embroiled in a contract dispute or other litigation… We can help.
Use the form below to contact us. You may also email us to make an appointment.